game description
A catastrophic event has devastated the farm's serene peace! The sudden flood has ruthlessly swept all the adorable farm animals away, leaving them panicked and perilously bobbing above the rising waters. In this crucial moment, only your keen mind and quick thinking can save the day. Your challenge is to skillfully connect the frightened animals into the prescribed shapes, rescuing them from the watery peril that surrounds them. Feeling the weight of responsibility pressing down on your shoulders, you must be swift and accurate in your actions. Every move counts as you navigate through the chaotic scene of stranded farm animals. Remember, the clock is ticking and the floodwaters show no mercy. As you immerse yourself in the challenging puzzle of Farm Hero, you'll feel the adrenaline of the rescue mission pumping through your veins. With each successful connection made, a sense of accomplishment will warm your heart, knowing you've saved a helpless creature from the grasp of disaster. For those who revel in the tranquility of farm life,
Release Date: 5 June 2023 , Platform: Web browser